View man Pages Properly in gVim

Vim’s ability to display man pages easily using the K mapping often comes handy. It been bothering me for a while, that the same thing doesn’t work properly in gVim, which I use more. The reason is that Vim’s ability to display man pages depends on having a terminal emulator, which just isn’t true for gVim, hence the garbled display of man pages one sees if he tries viewing a man page in gVim.

Today, I found a way around this limitation. It turns out, Vim comes with support for displaying man pages in a split window, and does it perfectly – colors, links and all the necessary stuff. The first line, enables this feature which includes by default the K mapping to open the man page in a new split. The second part, which I find very convenient, makes the regular K do the same in gVim. And unlike the original mapping, it also accepts a count before, so pressing 3K will search the 3 man section of the keyword under the cursor.

" Properly display man pages
" ==========================
runtime ftplugin/man.vim
if has("gui_running")
	nnoremap K :<C-U>exe "Man" v:count "<C-R><C-W>"<CR>

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