Nginx: Block access to sensitive files

As more websites and applications are being hosted on the web, the necessity for securing these resources is skyrocketing. Among various web servers, Nginx has gained substantial popularity due to its performance, flexibility, and stability. Despite its many merits, securing your applications can always be a tricky business. But fret not, securing sensitive files in Nginx is achievable by configuring the Nginx server to block attempts directed at accessing specific files or file types.

This blog post will guide you through a way to enhance the Nginx server’s security by blocking access to sensitive files. As seen in the code snippet in the block_bad.conf file, we will deny access to all dotfiles, files ending with ~ or .bak, and the dump.sql file which often contains database dumps.

Start by saving the following code snippet in the /etc/nginx/snippets/block_bad.conf:

# deny access to all dotfiles
location ~ /\. {
	deny all;
	log_not_found off;
	access_log off;
	return 404;

# Allow access to the ".well-known" directory
location ^~ /.well-known {
        allow all;

# deny access to files ending with ~ or .bak
location ~ ~$ {
	deny all;
	log_not_found off;
	access_log off;
	return 404;
location ~ \.bak$ {
	deny all;
	log_not_found off;
	access_log off;
	return 404;

location ~ /dump.sql$ {
	deny all;
	log_not_found off;
	access_log off;
	return 404;

By using the deny all; directive within the location blocks, Nginx will disallow access to the specified locations. The access_log off; and log_not_found off; directives prevent logging access to these blocked file types, and the return 404; directive makes Nginx return a 404 error when an attempt is made to access these files.

Specifically, the location ~ /\. clause will block access to all dotfiles. These files usually store configuration for individual programs, revealing them might cause security vulnerabilities. The next location block with the pattern ~ ^/.well-known overrides the previous one by specifically allowing access to URIs startings with .well-known (which is used by certbot).

The next set of directives beginning with location ~ ~$ and location ~ \.bak$ blocks access to files ending with ~ or .bak. These files are often temporary files or backup copies which may accidentally leak sensitive information if accessed by malicious actors.

Lastly, the location ~ /dump.sql$ rule denies access to dump.sql files. These files may contain database dumps, which can expose sensitive database information.

After saving this file, you need to include it in your server block configuration using the include directive. Open the Nginx server block configuration. Then, to load the block_bad.conf, add include snippets/block_bad.conf; in each server block that you want to apply these security rules. Restart the Nginx service after including this rule to apply the changes.

By taking the steps outlined in this guide, you can enhance the security of your Nginx server by preventing unauthorized access to sensitive files and thus reducing potentials for information breach. Remember, securing your servers is a continual process, and consistently updating your configurations to counter evolving threats is a good practice.

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