I’ve added today an OpenSearch description for XWRDS. In simple words it means that you can now search XWRDS directly from your browser search box. Supported browsers include Firefox 2.0+, Internet Explorer 7+ and Google Chrome, so if you use one of this browser you can now solve your crosswords faster then ever by using the XWRDS search.
To add the XWRDS search to your browser’s search box either click this link, or got to the XWRDS website and select the XWRDS search engine from the pull down menu of your browsers search box (usually at the top right corner of the window).
YubNub is a site that provides users with a social command line to the internet. It lets you do all kinds of stuff, mostly search related, by typing special commands.
Today, I’ve added a command to YubNub that allows you to search XWRDS. The command name is xwrds and it expects the clue to search as an argument.
For example:
xwrds Either of two of the VIII's six
I hope people will find it a convinient way to easily search XWRDS.
I’ve been using TiddlyWiki for a while now, and it became a very useful tool for me. Today, I’ve decided to organize my various recipes (somehow cooking and especially making deserts has turned into an hobby of mine), and as you can expect I’ve decided to use TiddlyWiki for the tasks.
There was a slight problem as some of the recipes are in Hebrew, and it seems TiddlyWiki doesn’t have built-in support for RTL (right-to-left) tiddlers. However, such support can be added via custom stylesheets and the tiddlers’ tags. The idea for this method is taken from this TiddlyWiki.
Create a new tiddler called “StyleSheet” (without the quotes). This is a special tiddler (a shadow tiddler) that lets you add additional CSS code for your wiki. Insert the following code into the newly created tiddler:
Now for every tiddler you want to be in RTL direction just add RTL to its list of tags. After you do it, the tiddler will appear correctly. Here is an example of what in RTL looks like after the fix:
According to Fabio, the list contains 40 of the most popular Italian radio stations, along with radio station from where he used to live in north Italy.
In his post, Fabio also describes a useful tip he uses. He used the radio.py configuration file to number his favorite stations, thus allowing him even easier way to listen to them. E.g.
If your a radio.py reader and you’ve compiles a .radiopy file you would like to share, send a link along with short description and I’ll gladly publish it.
From time to time I find myself having to go through man pages and googling for some simple iptable rules. This post is meant as a cheatsheet for me, so I can concentrate here various rules and remarks.
I hope others will benefit from this cheatsheet as well. Intend to expand it over time as I gather more rules and tips, so bookmarking the post might be a good idea. Last but not least, if you have some useful iptables rules I’ve missed please send them using the comments. Continue reading Iptables Cheatsheet
I use Trac for the Open Yahtzee website. I’ve decided to use tracd for serving the requests (due to a configuration issue I didn’t want to mess with), which required starting it each time the server restarts. I’ve already written one solution for it, in the form of an init.d script for tracd. However, it bothered me that the tracd runs with root privileges which it doesn’t really requires.
After searching a bit I’ve found out that cron can run tasks on startup using the special @reboot keyword instead of the normal time fields. So edit your crontab and add the following line:
Just replace PORT, HOSTNAME and TRAC_ENV with the appropriate values for your environment, and make sure you got a run/ sub-directory in your home folder (or change the pidfile value).
To stop the server just do:
kill `cat ~/run/tracd.pid`
While there is no straight way to restart the server (like /etc/init.d/tracd restart), it’s a good compromise for dropping root privileges.
Amarok is my favourite music player. I like to listen to music when I go a sleep, but I don’t want the music to keep playing all night long. This is why I’ve added a sleep feature to radio.py. Unfortunately, Amarok doesn’t have a built-in sleep functionality, but the Amarok developers left open door for us to implement it with ease by means of interfaces allowing to control amarok from the command line. Continue reading Amarok Sleep – Stop Playback After Specified Amount of Time
I tried a few days ago to install a CakePHP project of mine on a lighttpd web-server. As expected, its clean URLs didn’t work, so I set out to find a solution.
One possible solution is the one outlined in the CakePHP manual. The solution uses the mod_magnet module (which basically runs a Lua script to do the rewriting), and I found it an overkill. I was looking for a simple solution based only on mod_rewrite, something like the solution for WordPress. Continue reading Configuring Lighttpd for CakePHP
Usually installing software in Gentoo is a piece of cake. Just emerge what you want and (with the right USE flags) and everything will be ready for you. However, as today I’ve found out today, installing phpMyAdmin with Lighttpd isn’t trivial as it should be.
On Monday, I’ve submitted a patch to the LyX developers mailing list with a fix for the numbering direction in Hebrew text. In Hebrew text the dot appeared before the numbering symbol instead of after it as it should.