Setting Up RAID using mdadm on Existing Drive

After experiencing a hard-disk failure (luckily no important stuff loss, just some backups), I’ve decided to setup a RAID1 array on my existing Ubuntu 12.04 installation. The important thing was to migrate my existing data to the new RAID array while retaining all the data. The easy solution would have been to setup the array on two new drives and then copy my data over. However, I did not have a spare drive (apart from the new one) to copy my data over while creating the RAID array, so I had to take the trickier way.

I mainly followed François Marier’s excellent tutorial. As I went through it I realized I had to adjust a few things either to make it work on Ubuntu 12.04 or because I preferred another way to do stuff.

I’ve check the steps below using Ubuntu 12.04 on both a physical and a virtual machine (albeit in the dumb order – first I risked my data and then decided to prefect the process on a VM :-)). I think the same steps should apply to other Debian derivatives and more recent Ubuntu versions as well.


Before diving into action, I want to outline the whole process. In the first step we will create a degraded RAID1 array, which means a RAID1 array with one of the drives missing, using only the new drive. Next we will config the system to be able to boot from the new degraded RAID1 array and copy the data from the old drive to the RAID1 array on the new drive. Afterwards, we will reboot the system using the degraded array and add the old drive to the array, thus making it no longer degraded. At this point, we will update again some configurations to make things permanent and finally we will test the setup.

Make sure you got backups of your important stuff before proceeding. Most likely you won’t need them, like I didn’t, but just in case.

Partitioning the Drive

For the rest of the tutorial, I’ll assume the old disk, the one with existing data, is /dev/sda and the new one is /dev/sdb/. I’ll also assume /dev/sda1 is the root partition and /dev/sda2 is the swap partition. If you have more partitions or your layout is different, just make sure you adjust the instructions accordingly.

The first step is to create partitions on the new disk that match the size of the partitions we would like to mirror on the old disk. This can be done using fdisk, parted or using GUI tools such as Ubuntu’s Disk utility or gparted.

If both disks are the same size and you want to mirror all the partitions, the easiest way to do so is to copy the partition table using sfdisk:

# sfdisk -d /dev/sda > partition_table
# sfdisk /dev/sdb < partition_table

This will only work if your partition table is MBR (as sfdisk doesn’t understand GPT). Before running the second command take a look at partition_table to make sure everything seems normal. If your using GPT drives with more than 2TB, see Asif’s comment regarding sgdisk.

You don’t need to bother setting the “raid” flag on your partitions like some people suggest. mdadm will scan all of your partitions regardless of that flag. Likewise, the “boot” flag isn’t needed on any of the partitions.

Creating the RAID Array

If you haven’t installed mdadm so far, do it:

# apt-get install mdadm

We create a degraded RAID1 array with the new drive. Usually a degraded RAID array is a result of malfunction, but we do it intentionally. We do so, because it allows us to have an operational RAID array which we can copy our data into and then add the old drive to the array and sync it.

# mdadm --create root --level=1 --raid-devices=2 missing /dev/sdb1  
# mdadm --create swap --level=1 --raid-devices=2 missing /dev/sdb2

These commands instructs mdadm to create a RAID1 array with two drives where one of the drives is missing. A separate array is created for the root and swap partitions. As you can see, I decided to put have my swap on RAID as well. There are different opinions on the matter. The main advantage is that your system will be able to survive one of the disk failing while the system is running. The disadvantage is that it wastes space. Performance wise, RAID isn’t better as might be expected, as Linux supports stripping (like RAID0) if it has swap partitions on two disks. In my case, I have plenty of RAM available and swap space is mainly unused, so I guessed I’m better of using RAID1 for the swap as well.

You may encounter the following warning when creating the arrays:

mdadm: Note: this array has metadata at the start and
    may not be suitable as a boot device.  If you plan to
    store '/boot' on this device please ensure that
    your boot-loader understands md/v1.x metadata, or use
Continue creating array?

Grub 1.99, which is the default bootloader in recent Ubuntu distributions supports booting from partitions with the 1.2 format metadata, so it’s safe to type “y” here.

Next, we need to create a filesystems on the newly created RAID arrays:

# mkfs.ext4 /dev/md/root
# mkswap /dev/md/swap

The following will record your newly created MD arrays in mdadm.conf:

# /usr/share/mdadm/mkconf > /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf

Preparing to Boot the Array

In this step we shall prepare the system to boot the newly created boot array. Of course we won’t actully do that before copying our data into it.

Start by editing /etc/grub.d/40_custom and adding a new entry to boot the raid array. The easiest way is to copy the latest boot stanza from /boot/grub/grub.cfg and modify it. The boot stanza looks something like this:

menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 3.2.0-56-generic' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
        gfxmode $linux_gfx_mode
        insmod gzio
        insmod part_msdos
        insmod ext2
        set root='(hd0,msdos1)'
        search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 19939b0e-4272-40e0-846b-8bbe49e4a02c
        linux   /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-56-generic root=UUID=19939b0e-4272-40e0-846b-8bbe49e4a02c ro   quiet splash $vt_handoff
        initrd  /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-56-generic

First we need to add

insmod raid
insmod mdraid1x

just after the rest of the insmod lines. This will load the necessary GRUB modules to detect your raid array during the bootprocess. If you decided to go for 0.9 metadata earlier (despite my recommendation…) you will need to load mdraid09 instead of mdraid1x. Next we need to modify the root partition. This is done my modifying the UUID (those random looking hex-and-hyphens strings) arguments to the lines starting with search and linux. To find out the UUID for your root partition run

# blkid /dev/md/root

Which will give something like

/dev/md/root: UUID="49b6f295-2fe3-48bb-bfb5-27171e015497" TYPE="ext4"

The set root line can be removed as the search line overrides it.

Last but not least add bootdegraded=true to the kernel parameters, which will allow you to boot the degraded array without any hassles. The result should look something like this:

menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 3.2.0-56-generic (Raid)' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
        gfxmode $linux_gfx_mode
        insmod gzio
        insmod part_msdos
        insmod ext2
    insmod raid
    insmod mdraid1x
        search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root e9a36848-756c-414c-a20f-2053a17aba0f
        linux   /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-56-generic root=UUID=e9a36848-756c-414c-a20f-2053a17aba0f ro   quiet splash bootdegraded=true $vt_handoff
        initrd  /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-56-generic

Now run update-grub as root so it actually updates the /boot/grub/grub.cfg file. Afterwards, run

# update-initramfs -u -k all

This will make sure that the updated mdadm.conf is put into the initramfs. If you don’t do so the names of your new RAID arrays will be a mess after reboot.

Copying the Data

Before booting the new (degraded) array, we need to copy our data into it. First mount /dev/md/root somewhere, say /mnt/root, and then copy the old data into it.

# rsync -auxHAX --exclude=/proc/* --exclude=/sys/* --exclude=/tmp/* / /mnt/root

Next you need to update /mnt/root/etc/fstab with the UUIDs of the new partition (which you can get using blkid). If you have encrypted swap, you should also update /mnt/root/etc/crypttab.

Last this before the reboot is to re-install the bootloader on both drives:

# grub-install /dev/sda
# grub-install /dev/sdb

Reboot the computer. Hold the “Shift” key while booting to force the Grub menu to appear. Select the new Grub menu-entry you have just added (should be last on the list). After the system finished booting up, verify that you’re indeed running from the RAID device by running mount, which should show a line like this:

/dev/md127 on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro)

The number after /dev/md doesn’t matter, as long as it’s /dev/md and not /dev/sda or other real disk device.

Completing the RAID Array

If you have made it that far, you have a running system with all your data on a degraded RAID array which consists of your new drive. The next step will be to add the old disk to the RAID array. This will delete any existing data on it. So take a few minutes to make sure that you’re not missing any files (this should be fine as we rsync‘ed the data). Adding the old disk back to the RAID array is done by:

# mdadm /dev/md/root -a /dev/sda1
# mdadm /dev/md/swap -a /dev/sda2

Make sure you are adding the right partitions to the right arrays. These commands instruct mdadm to add the old disk to the new arrays. It might take some time to complete syncing the drives. You can track the progress of building the RAID array using:

$ watch cat /proc/mdstat

When it’s done, it means that your RAID arrays are up and running and are no longer degraded.

Remove the boot stanza we’ve added to /etc/grub.d/40_custom and edit /etc/default/grub to add bootdegraded=true to the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT configuration variable. This will cause your system to boot up even if the RAID array gets degraded, which prevent the bug outlined in Ubuntu Freezes When Booting with Degraded Raid.

Finally update Grub and re-install it:

# update-grub
# grub-install /dev/sda
# grub-install /dev/sdb

We are done! Your RAID array should be up and running.

Testing the Setup

Just getting the RAID array to work is good but not enough. As you probably wanted the RAID array as contingency plan, you probably want to test it to make sure it works as intended.

We make sure that the system is able to work in case on of the drives fails. Shut down the system and disconnect one of the drives, say sda. The system should boot fine due to the RAID array, but cat /proc/mdstat should show one of the drives missing.

To restore normal operation, shutdown the system and reconnect the drive before booting it back up. Now re-add the drive to the RAID arrays.

mdadm /dev/md/root -a /dev/sda1
mdadm /dev/md/swap -a /dev/sda2

Again this might take some time. You can view the progress using watch cat /proc/mdstat.

Incremental WordPress Backups using Duply (Duplicity)

This post outlines how to create encrypted incremental backups for WordPress using duplicity and duply. The general method, as you will see is pretty generic, and I’ve been using it successfully to backup also Django sites and MediaWiki installations. You can use this method to make secure backups to almost any kind of service imagineable: ftp, sftp, Amazon S3, rsync, Rackspace Open Cloud, Ubuntu One, Google Drive and whatever else you can think about (as long as the duplicity folks implemented :-)). If you prefer a simpler solution, and don’t care about incremental or encrypted backups, see my Improved FTP Backup for WordPress or my WordPress Backup to Amazon S3 Script.
Continue reading Incremental WordPress Backups using Duply (Duplicity)

Using std::chrono::high_resolution_clock Example

5 years a go I’ve showed how to use clock_gettime to do basic high_resolution profiling. The approach there is very useful, but unfortunately, not cross-platform. It works only on POSIX compliant systems (especially not windows).

Luckily, the not-so-new C++11 provides, among other things, interface to high-precision clocks in a portable way. It’s still not a perfect solution, as it only provides wall-time (clock_gettime can give per process and per thread actual CPU time as well). However, it’s still nice.

#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std;
int main()
	cout << chrono::high_resolution_clock::period::den << endl;
	auto start_time = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
	int temp;
	for (int i = 0; i< 242000000; i++)
	auto end_time = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
	cout << chrono::duration_cast<chrono::seconds>(end_time - start_time).count() << ":";
	cout << chrono::duration_cast<chrono::microseconds>(end_time - start_time).count() << ":";
	return 0;

I’ll explain a bit the code. chrono is the new header files that provides various time and clock related functionality of the new standard library. high_resolution_clock should be, according to the standard, the clock with the highest precision.

cout << chrono::high_resolution_clock::period::den << endl;

Note, that there isn’t a guarantee how many the ticks per seconds it has, only that it’s the highest available. Hence, the first thing we do is to get the precision, by printing how many many times a second the clock ticks. My system provides 1000000 ticks per second, which is a microsecond precision.

Getting the current time using now() is self-explanatory. The possibly tricky part is

cout << chrono::duration_cast<chrono::seconds>(end_time - start_time).count() << ":";

(end_time - start_time) is a duration (newly defined type) and the count() method returns the number of ticks it represents. As we said, the number of ticks per second may change from system to system, so in order to get the number of seconds we use duration_cast. The same goes in the next line for microseconds.

The standard also provides other useful time units such as nanoseconds, milliseconds, minutes and even hours.

Sending Desktop Notification from Cron

Usually when one wants to keep track of one’s cron jobs, one tells the cron daemon to email the output of the commands. While this is probably the best solution for servers, on desktop machines is problematic. Many ISPs block outgoing traffic on port 25 (SMTP), and if you want to send the emails via external SMTP server (such as GMail) this requires you to store authentication details in plain text. A better solution for the desktop would be to harness the desktop notifications available in Ubuntu.

There is a useful tool called notify-send which is able to send desktop notifications directly from the command line. However, there are few caveats:

  • notify-send expects its input on the command line, it can’t read from stdin.
  • If you run from cron you must tell it which display to use.

The first issue can be worked around by using cat to pick up the input. The second issue is handled by adding a DISPLAY environment variable to the crontab. So your crontab will look something like this:

10 1 * * sun some_cool_command | notify-send "Backup Documents" "$(cat)"

The first argument to notify-send is the title of the notification. The second is the actual text to appear in it, in our case it’s whatever comes in the stdin. If you want to store the output in a log file as well as displaying it in a desktop notification, you can use tee, which basically saves its input to a given file and also pipes it again to stdout.

10 1 * * sun some_cool_command | tee -a ~/some_log.log | notify-send "Backup Documents" "$(cat)"

Creating a Deb for an Updated Version

Say you’ve an existing package like gitg and you want to use the new version of gitg or even apply your own patches. You could directly make install but you will probably regret it as soon as you’ll want to upgrade/uninstall, and you want to create a better package than the one created by checkinstall. Apperantly, creating a deb package for a new version of already packaged deb isn’t complicated.

Getting Started

Start by pulling the sources for the already available package. I’ll by using gitg as an example throughout this tutorial.

$ apt-get source gitg

This will create a folder according to the version of the package, something like gitg-0.2.4. Extract the new version besides it and cd into its directory. The next step is to copy the debian/ directory from the old source package the code you’ve just extracted.

$ cp -R ../gitg-0.2.4/debian/ .


There are some dependencies you’ll need:

$ sudo apt-get install devscripts
$ sudo apt-get install dpkg-dev

You’ll probably want to do:

$ sudo apt-get build-dep gitg

in order to make sure you’ve all the relevant build time dependencies.

Update debian/ Files

The next step is to update the files under the debian/ sub-directory.

$ DEBEMAIL="Guy Rutenberg <>" debchange --nmu

This will update the debian/changelog and set the new version. --nmu will create a new “non maintainer upload” version, meaning if the current version was 0.2.4-0ubuntu1, it will change it to 0.2.4-0ubuntu1.1. This will make sure that there won’t be any collision between your package and an official one. If you update to a new upstream version. It might be more suitable to use something like this:

$ debchange --newversion 0.2.5+20111211.git.20391c4

If necessary, update the Build-Depends and Depends sections of debian/control.

Building the Package

If your building a package directly from version control and not part of an official release, you may need to run

$ ./autogen

at this point.

Now to the actual building:

$ debuild -us -uc -i -I -b

-us -uc tells the script not to sign the .dsc and .changes files accordingly. -i and -I makes the script ignore common version control files. -b tells debuild to only create binary packages. You can also pass -j followed by the number of simultaneous jobs you wish to allow (e.g. -j3, like in make) which an significantly speed things up.

Installing the Package

The package will reside in the parent directory, for example:


At this point you’re basically done. If you want to install the package you can use

sudo debi

while you’re still inside the build directory.

Creating Source Packages

If you want to go the extra mile and create source packages, it will make things easier for others to build their own packages based on yours.

You’ll need to create a an “orig” tarball


(note the underscore between the package-name and the version). The “orig” tarball should contain the original source-code without the debian specific patches.

Now you can run the debuild command like before but without the -b flag.
This will create the following files:



  • UpdatingADeb
  • Man pages for debuild, dpgk-genchanges, dpgk-buildpackage.

WordPress Administration over SSL on Lighttpd

In this tutorial we’ll walk through the steps of enabling SSL (https) for the WordPress’ admin panel when using Lighttpd as a webserver. The tutorial consists of two stages, the first is enabling SSL at the Lighttpd level and the second is in the WordPress level.

Continue reading WordPress Administration over SSL on Lighttpd

Capturing Video and Converting to H.264 using ffmpeg

8-millimeter video tapes seem to slowly fade to oblivion. In order to save old family videos recorded in this format, I’ve decided to digitize them.

After a quick try with vlc, I’ve understood that it wasn’t the right tool for the task. It crashed with a cryptic error message every time I’ve tried to encode H.264 video, and it seemed that it best suited for real time encoding. Doing real time encoding, is sub-optimal as I can’t reach high quality encoding is a reasonable bit rate.

So I looked for another tool and recalled ffmpeg. While ffmpeg provided everything I looked: high quality video encoding using H.264 and stability, it wasn’t an easy start. ffmpeg’s defaults are notoriously ill-chosen. After hours of going through man pages, I’ve managed to capture and convert video tapes into high quality (encoded) digital video.

Basically the process involved capturing the raw video into a temporary file and then preform a two-pass encoding using H.264.
Continue reading Capturing Video and Converting to H.264 using ffmpeg

phpMyAdmin + Lighttpd in Gentoo

Usually installing software in Gentoo is a piece of cake. Just emerge what you want and (with the right USE flags) and everything will be ready for you. However, as today I’ve found out today, installing phpMyAdmin with Lighttpd isn’t trivial as it should be.

In this post I’ll try to walk you through the necessary steps to install phpMyAdmin with Lighttpd in Gentoo.
Continue reading phpMyAdmin + Lighttpd in Gentoo

Understanding load average – A Practitioner Guide

The term “load average” is used in many Linux/UNIX utilities. Everybody knows that the numbers the term “load average” refers to, usually three numbers, somehow represent the load on the system’s CPU. In this post I’ll try making this three numbers clearer and understandable.
Continue reading Understanding load average – A Practitioner Guide

Setting Up OmniComplete (Autocompletion) for wxWidgets in Vim

I use Vim as my main IDE for C/C++ related development (as well as for almost all other development). If you use (or thinking about using) vim as as an IDE, you better get some good autocompletion functionality. This kind of autocompletion is provided by the OmniComplete, which is available since Vim 7.0. Just having the OmniComplete is a nice thing, but it’s much more helpful if configured properly to work with the libraries you use, such as wxWidgets. In this post I will show you how to get working the OmniComplete for wxWidgets, however, the procedure I will show can be easily adapted to almost all libraries.
Continue reading Setting Up OmniComplete (Autocompletion) for wxWidgets in Vim